Mr. Villanueva is currently a senior partner of Argosy Advisers Inc., an investment advisory firm (since 2001), Chairman of VFL Advisors, Inc., a financial consultancy firm (since 2001), and President of ABV Inc., a real estate holding company (since 2003). [wpex more=”Know more about him” less=”Read less”]He sits as an independent director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Chinatrust Philippines Commercial Bank (since 2003). He also holds directorships in the Makati Supermart Group (since 2003), the CDC/Quadrillon Group (since 2007) and Testech Inc (since 2006). He is adviser to the Board of PhilRatings Inc. and member of the Market Governance Board of the Philippines Fixed-Income Exchange (2008). He has previously held senior executive positions in stock brokerage and investment banking firms where he was country head and CEO of the Philippine operations and was a member of the PSE (1991-2001). He was also the head of the Corporate Finance Division of SGV and Co. (1976-1991), the largest auditing and consulting firm in the Philippines and his work included assignments in HongKong, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. He has also lived and worked in HongKong and in the United States.
In addition to his current directorships, he has previously been a director of a number of companies including a Venture Capital Fund, the largest Cable TV operator in the country, a telecommunications company, a hotel, financing company and an insurance company.
He was formerly President of the Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines (FINEX) (1998), a professional association of finance practitioners and, Co-Chairman of the Capital Markets Development Council (1999-2002), a coordinating body of the private and public sector players in the Philippine capital markets to develop national policy on the capital markets.[/wpex]